DesignGroup Architects


Project description: Educational facilities for KEA

Location: Meinungsgade 6-8, Copenhagen

Client: C.W. Obel Ejendomme

Gross floor area: 4,700 m²

Year of construction: 2017


The project created additional contemporary and attractive education facilities for KEA, directly connected to the existing building complex.

The project was in four parts; a complete renovation of the historical Håndværkergaarden, a new atrium with lifts and stairs to connect and provide improved access to all the building’s levels, an infill project  with new facade towards Meinungsgade and a covered car park in the existing yard.

The original buildings which date back to between 1896  to 1919 are both grade 3 listed and are typical for industrial buildings from that period. The new facades were designed with a contemporary expression using materials such as red brick and glass to link to the adjacent buildings. A new raised courtyard offers attractive outdoor space above the parking deck.

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